15.10.2023. – Online registration opening
15.05.2024. – Closing of online registration
Monday, 17. 06. 2024.
09:00 - 12:00 - Registration of the riders and administrative check and hand over the GPS devices.
15:00 - 22:00 - Registration of the riders and administrative check and hand over the GPS devices.
Tuesday, 18. 06. 2024
Wednesday, 19. 06. 2024. – Akrapovic Prologue
Prologue at Paddock 2 ( where riders will have training, qualifications, and finals.
07:00 – 9:30 Administrative / Technical Control – FIM ONLY – PADOCK 2
08:30- 08.50 track walk
08.50 – 09.00 Amateur test ride
09:00 start Amateur 1st lap
09:40 – 09:50 Hobby test ride
09:50 start Hobby 1st lap
10:50 – 11:00 Expert test ride
11:00 start Expert 1st lap
13:00 start Amateur 2nd lap
13:45 start Hobby 2nd Lap
15:00 start Expert 2nd lap
16:00 start Pro 1st practice 5 min (PRO riders with starting numbers from 1-35)
16:10 start Pro 2nd practice 5 min (PRO riders with starting numbers from 36-70)
16:20 start Pro 1st lap
16:50 start Pro 2nd lap
17:20 RACE – 6 min + 1 lap – Amateur class
17:35 RACE – 6 min + 1 lap – Hobby class
17:50 RACE – 6 min + 1 lap – Expert class
18:05 RACE – 6 min + 1 lap – Pro
18:15 Podium – PRO class
18: 20 Podium – Expert class
18: 25 Podium – Hobby class
18:30 Podium – Amateur class
21:00 – 21:30 Briefing at Congress Hall at Hotel Zlatibor Mountain Resort & Spa
Thursday, 20. 06. 2024. - Day 1 ~100km Hard Enduro
Friday, 21. 06. 2024. - Day 2 ~100km Hard Enduro
Saturday, 22. 06. 2024. - Day 3 ~100km Hard Enduro
The organizer reserves the right to change the timetable if necessary.
XROSS HARD ENDURO RALLY is an OPEN race that can be attended by any rider, regardless of their nationality.
Director of the race: Vladan Komatović
Jury Members
Chairman: Velibor Kaevski
Member: Bata Djuric
Member: Rajko Ljumovic
Chief Registration and Administrative check: Dragana Lazarovski
Timekeepers: Timing Solution Macedonia
Chief Medical Officer - MRS: Vladimir Kacuric
Secretary of the Event: Vladimir Karcicki
Contact person for competitors: Vladimir Karcicki
These Rules were adopted by the Enduro Committee of the Serbian Moto Association. This competition is international, and it is ranked for the National Championship, and Balkan Moto Union (BMU), according to the general Rules of SMA and AMAS.
The Secretary Office of the competition is the starting point for all events related to the conduct and organization of this competition, such as competitors registration, technical sessions, briefings, standings display, filing of appeals, award ceremony, questions, etc.
An information panel will be placed in the area of the Secretary Office, and it will display information and news about the competition, daily standings, the schedule, and eventual modifications during the event. The Organizer will display all the necessary information in due time.
The Organizer may refuse to allow entry into the competition or eliminate during the competition any competitor who:
The registration fee and all other fees will not be refunded in case of failure to appear at the competition or in case of any kind of drop-out, abandonment, or elimination from the competition.
All competitors and all the people involved in any way in the organization of the 2024 XROSS HARD ENDURO RALLY are obliged to know and follow the contents of the present rules and regulations.
Not knowing the present rules and regulations does not excuse anybody from responsibility and consequences.
XROSS HARD ENDURO RALLY has four categories of difficulty:
XROSS HARD ENDURO RALLY is a rally discipline in which participants ride routes that are not competitive and become participants in public traffic during some parts of the rally. Due to this, participants are obliged to bear all obligations and responsibilities as all other participants in traffic, both in terms of riding and motorcycle characteristics. The Organizer will not be responsible for the participant's behavior in traffic or damages that may occur to a competitor or third parties. Through these rules and regulations, we believe that we have informed all participants that they are obliged to comply with all laws by the Republic of Serbia related to traffic on connecting sections that are not competitive.
Any enduro, motocross motorcycle with a minimum of 7 liters gas tank capacity, two or four-stroke engine type, with one or two cylinders which have been accepted by technical verification, is allowed to start.
Technical verification will be performed by a technical committee composed of officials before the formalities of registering for the competition.
The Organizer will not accept at the start any motorcycle with major technical failures or any other changes that could endanger the safety of competitors and/or spectators.
Motorcycles that have oil or fuel leaks or have damaged exhausts will not be accepted.
Motorcycles without enduro, motocross, or trial tires are not allowed to start.
It is forbidden to use tires with nails, screws, or any other metal insertions.
Any repairs, parts replacement, or technical intervention on the motorcycle are allowed only in the service area and only on a waterproof tarpaulin with a minimum size of 200x100cm.
At the technical verification, the competitors will show the motorcycle and the helmet.
During the competition, all competitors are required to wear appropriate protective equipment: off-road helmet, goggles, and boots, chest and back protectors, upper and lower limb protection parts.
All competitors are obliged to take all safety measures to prevent their own injury, injury of other competitors, vehicles, public and private property, staff members, spectators, and domestic and wild animals.
When approaching a slower competitor, the faster competitor must make his presence known before overtaking him. It is not the duty of the slower competitor to notice or to make maneuvers in order to allow the faster-approaching competitor to overtake.
In the area where the race tracks for different classes meet, the competitors from slower classes will give an advantage to competitors from stronger classes.
In case a competitor notices another injured competitor, he must make sure his safety is not in danger and then immediately inform the Safety Manager of the competition. If this is not possible, he will notify the nearest staff member. In case this is also not possible, by moving up the race track, he will notify about the incident at the nearest checkpoint.
The time spent assisting another injured competitor(s) will be deducted from the day racing time. This will be done by the Competition Manager after the notification made by the assisting competitor and confirmed by the injured victim and other witnesses.
In case of technical failure, the motorcycle will be immediately removed from the race track to avoid potential collisions with other competitors.
In case of technical failure and/or injury, the competitors must not leave the race track in order to make their localization by the Organizer possible. Leaving the racetrack is forbidden. The only way to leave the race track is through the checkpoints and then by following instructions given by the staff members.
Navigating the race track, for any length and for any reason, in the opposite direction than the normal race direction is strictly prohibited!
In case of extreme weather conditions (strong winds, lightning storms, fog, snow, or heavy rain), the Organizer reserves the right to change the race schedule and/or shorten the track on safety grounds. In very extreme cases, race days can get rescheduled or even canceled.
Competitors are required to place (stick) on their motorcycles all the promotional materials provided by the Organizer.
Xross Hard Enduro Rally is a discipline that has competitive sections and liaison (connecting) sections. On the liaison sections, all participants of the rally have to obey the law of the Republic of Serbia regarding public roads. On these liaison sections, the Organizer will not be responsible if riders do not have adequate motorcycles for public roads or in case of damage that may occur by the rider's responsibility or the responsibility of third parties.
On the portions of the public road between Parc Ferme and Start, between Finish and Parc Ferme, and on the eventual sections connecting the different stages of the race, competitors will ride in accordance with the Serbian laws regarding traveling on Serbian public roads. Responsibility on the Serbian public road sections lies entirely with the competitors.
Competitors are requested not to leave their equipment or personal belongings unattended, because the Organizer will not take the responsibility for them in case they are lost or damaged. Only the motorcycles in the Parc Ferme will be monitored and guarded.
Each competitor enters the competition at his/her own risk.
All civil or penal responsibility for any damage inflicted upon himself/herself, another competitor(s), or any goods lies exclusively with the competitor(s).
The regular fee for the Xross Hard Enduro Rally 2024 is 880 EUR.
It is possible to pay the fee in two installments, but the first installment has to be at least 300 EUR.
The maximum number of riders is 350.
After 01. 06. 2024.
The document attesting to the payment must include the name(s) of the competitor(s) for whom the payment is made. The payment date is considered the date of the document certifying the registration fee payment.
We advise you to fill in the necessary data with special attention. Any mistake during this process will result in returning the funds to the original sender, and your payment will be considered invalid.
After we confirm your payment, you will receive the starting number and be placed on the official starting list for the rally.
You can download payment details here.
XROSS HARD ENDURO RALLY is open to anyone who, at the time of registration, has paid the registration fee and has submitted the following documents:
Race numbers are given by the Organizer in the order of registration. Race numbers cannot be changed during the competition. It is forbidden to start the race without the race numbers provided by the Organizer, and attached to the motorcycle.
The competitors are not allowed to manufacture their own race numbers.
The race track totals an estimated at around 300km of off-road terrain and is structured as follows:
Each day, riders have a maximum time of 6 hours to complete the race.
Competitors who are still on the race track after the maximum allowed time is up will advance to the next checkpoint, where they will follow the instructions given by the Organizer.
Riders will have the right to ride all three days of the event regardless of the fact if they finished the previous day or not. However, they won't be on the list in the final placement.
The race tracks are marked using marking tape and special signs. Organizers will brief riders with clear instructions on which class will follow which marking tapes.
The points in which one category separates from other categories, race tracks will be marked using directional arrows, or they will be indicated by staff members.
The marking colors for each category and for the parts that are closed/wrong/forbidden will be announced at the briefing.
The GPS device is mandatory for all riders. We WARN the competitors that they will ride on a huge territory, and most of it is not covered with mobile phone signals and roads. That is why it is better that they possess a GPS for their own safety. The Organizer will not be responsible in case riders get lost, and they don't have GPS. The only valid route is the track that the Organizer has uploaded to the GPS device that riders brought to the race. The Organizer is not responsible in case someone takes marking tapes or arrows or loses time because of bad markings, etc.
General considerations for all days of the competition:
Akrapovic Prologue
Day 1:
On Day 1, the competitors will start one after another, according to their results from Prologue, at an interval of 30 seconds ( the interval will be decided by the Organizer depending on the total number of competitors, and it will be announced at the morning briefing before the start). The best 3 (three) riders in each class choose the starting order. The first one to choose is the winner of the Prologue for each class.
Day 2:
Riders will start based on their result from Day 1.
Day 3:
Riders will start according to their placement and result achieved on Day 1 + Day 2. The competitor with the best combined time after the first two days will start first. Competitors will start one after another at an interval of 10, 20, or 30 seconds (the interval will be decided by the Organizer depending on the total number of competitors, and it will be announced at the morning briefing before the start). The riders who didn't finish the previous day will start after all riders who finished Day 2.
The checkpoints will be marked with the sign CP_X (where X is the number of the checkpoint) and will be established as a corridor made of marking tape with a length of 5m estimated. Riders are obliged to stop at these checkpoints.
GPS devices will have checkpoints where there will be no staff members from the organization of the race.
Riders are obliged to go through all these checkpoints.
Overtaking is strictly forbidden at checkpoints!
Riders must exit the checkpoint at a slow speed, using the existing corridor, immediately after being noted and confirmed by the checkpoint staff members.
During every day of the event, there will be parts of the track where the race will be stopped, and riders will have 20 minutes to rest and do repairs on their motorcycles. IMPORTANT: The riders must know that they will exit the service zone to punctuate individual time in order and intervals as they enter the service zone. Service zones will mostly be in populated places. Therefore riders will be obliged to follow the rules of public traffic. The riders who do not exit the service zone in the estimated time will get a penalty. The penalty will be equal to the amount of time that they exited earlier from the service zone or stayed longer in it.
Changing tires is not allowed in service zones.
In the service zones, service teams can work on the motorcycles of riders.
Example: If Rider 1 enters the service zone at 12 AM and Rider 2 at 12.06 AM, Rider 1 has to exit the Service zone at 12.20 AM, while Rider 2 has to exit at 12.26 AM.
The Organizer will assign special areas for refueling the petrol called TANK POINTS (marked TP on the track)
Refueling is allowed ONLY in these areas.
The petrol is provided by the Organizer, and it is included in the starting fee.
Refueling will be done only with the engine OFF.
The time spent refueling is not deducted from the total race time.
Smoking in the refueling area is forbidden, under penalty of elimination from the race!
The nearest petrol station is 50m from Parc Ferme.
The Organizer and all of its representatives (officials, staff members, referees, and track assistants) will wear specific outfits and markings/logos, which will be described to the competitors at the briefing so that they will be easily recognized.
On the race track, in the area of the Secretary Office, and in the Parc Ferme area, the competitors must strictly obey all indications given by the staff members.
The start and finish areas, the checkpoints, and the refueling points will be marked visibly and appropriately.
Arriving at the finish line of each day of racing is done by stopping in the marked space.
After receiving confirmation of the finish check from the Organizer, the competitors must leave the finish area.
Penalties are:
Penalties are established by the Competition Manager, at the proposition of the officials, after consulting the point of view of the involved competitor and eventual witnesses. The decision of the Competition Manager is final.
The Organizer will arrange a designated and guarded area where competitors can leave their competing motorcycles. Likewise, the Organizer will arrange a service area within the Parc Ferme, where all interventions on the motorcycles will be made.
Rules of the Parc Ferme:
Failure to comply with the Parc Ferme and service area rules may lead to penalties or even exclusion of the competitor(s) from the competition.
Mount Zlatibor is a tourist resort located inside a protected environmental area. The race track passes through the protected area. For these reasons, some specific rules are necessary:
Any appeals will be filed at the Secretary Office of the competition, in writing using the English or Serbian language, within a maximum of 15 minutes from the publishing of unofficial results.
The GPS device is mandatory for all riders. We WARN the competitors that they will ride a vast territory with no mobile phone signals and roads. Therefore, they should have a GPS due to their own safety. The Organizer will not be responsible if the rider gets lost due to lost markings on the track. In the case of poor visibility, the race director can make a decision to allow start only for riders with GPS devices. The route will be marked with ribbons and signs. The Organizer does not take responsibility if someone removes the markers from the track. Even in these cases, competitors who did not have a GPS device and left the track will be penalized. Competitors bring their own GPS device and submit it to the Organizer on the registration. The Organizer loads the route, and the device gives the competitor before the start of a race day. After the end of the day, the competitor is obliged to hand over the device to the Organizer at the finish of that day. The rider must mention in the Registration Form what kind of GPS device will bring on the race.
The Organizer has provided a tracker device for all riders, and through those trackers, the Organizer will be able to track your movement during the race. In case the rider loses or switch-off the tracker, he will be disqualified. Please note a tracker is a device that you can carry in your backpack, and it is not the same as a GPS device in which you can upload the track of the race.
As a general rule, the XROSS HARD ENDURO RALLY competition is based on the rule that the shortest time wins.
The first day of the event is Prologue, and it's Mandatory for all competitors. The rider who doesn't show up at the start of the Prologue will have a 12min penalty.
The riders start based on their registration - starting numbers. After the ride, the Organizer creates a ranking list based on the times the riders achieved on Prologue. In PRO and EXPERT classes, all riders who did not enter the first 16 will have a penalty of 7 minutes, which will be added to the time they achieve on Day 1 + Day 2 + Day 3.
Riders who assumed the top 16 positions in PRO and EXPERT, classes will ride the Akrapovic Prologue finals.
The first three riders in PRO and EXPERT classes on the Akrapovic Prologue will choose the starting position for Day 1 (they can choose one of the first three places). The rider with the best time will have the opportunity to choose first.
Place Time penalty
1 0min
2 1min
3 2min
4 3min
5 3min 30sec
6 4min
7 4min 30sec
8 5min 00sec
9 5min 15sec
10 5min 30sec
11 5min 45sec
12 6min 00sec
13 6min 15sec
14 6min 30sec
15 6min 45sec
16 7min 00sec
Time is calculated according to the formula:
Penalty on the Prologue + time Day 1 + time Day 2 + time Day 3 + time penalties (if any) = the overall time.
The competitor has successfully finished the day if they pass through all parts of the track, competitive and liaison. If a rider does not pass all liaison sections but rides all the competitive parts of the track, they will get a penalty. The Organizer holds the right to DNF that day of riding for the such rider.
If a rider does not finish the race on any day, they will get a time penalty for the unfinished part of the track. The track will have checkpoints (the real ones and the ones marked in GPS). Competitors have to go through all of them. Each checkpoint (CP) that a rider does not pass carries a certain penalty.
The competitor did not finish race day if he did not check all CPs that day or did not come to finish in the estimated time for that day.
The competitor has not have finished the day if he had checked all CPs on that day, but he rode significantly different from the given GPS route (the decision of the director of the race).
In case of extreme weather conditions (strong winds, lightning storms, fog, snow, or heavy rain), the Organizer reserves the right to change the race schedule and/or shorten the track on safety grounds. In such cases, the Organizer will consider the time a rider had when he passed the last CP marked as the end of the race. In very extreme cases, race days can get rescheduled or even canceled.
The time of the competitors who are late at any start will run according to their time on the starting list.
The Prologue consists of the polygon track. Only the top 16 riders in PRO and EXPERT classes will enter the Akrapovic Prologue finals.
Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3:
Penalties will be in the following cases:
A checkpoint is considered missing in the following situations:
Missing a checkpoint is sanctioned by a time penalty of 30-240 minutes (will be announced at the morning briefing before the start). Additional time penalties may be imposed for riders missing certain track sections – these penalties will be communicated at the briefing.
Competitors who are still on the race track after the maximum allowed time is up will advance to the next checkpoint, where they will follow the instructions given by the Organizer.
Disqualification of a competitor can occur in the following situations:
Prizes for all classes: 1st to 3rd place riders in all classes will receive prizes from the Organizer.
AMK Endurance Sports Club
Bajina Bašta – Serbia, 14. 10. 2024.
15.10.2023. – Online registration opening
15.05.2024. – Closing of online registration
Monday, 17. 06. 2024.
09:00 - 12:00 - Registration of the riders and administrative check and hand over the GPS devices.
15:00 - 22:00 - Registration of the riders and administrative check and hand over the GPS devices.
Tuesday, 18. 06. 2024
Wednesday, 19. 06. 2024. – Akrapovic Prologue
Prologue at Paddock 2 ( where riders will have training, qualifications, and finals.
07:00 – 9:30 Administrative / Technical Control – FIM ONLY – PADOCK 2
08:30- 08.50 track walk
08.50 – 09.00 Amateur test ride
09:00 start Amateur 1st lap
09:40 – 09:50 Hobby test ride
09:50 start Hobby 1st lap
10:50 – 11:00 Expert test ride
11:00 start Expert 1st lap
13:00 start Amateur 2nd lap
13:45 start Hobby 2nd Lap
15:00 start Expert 2nd lap
16:00 start Pro 1st practice 5 min (PRO riders with starting numbers from 1-35)
16:10 start Pro 2nd practice 5 min (PRO riders with starting numbers from 36-70)
16:20 start Pro 1st lap
16:50 start Pro 2nd lap
17:20 RACE – 6 min + 1 lap – Amateur class
17:35 RACE – 6 min + 1 lap – Hobby class
17:50 RACE – 6 min + 1 lap – Expert class
18:05 RACE – 6 min + 1 lap – Pro
18:15 Podium – PRO class
18: 20 Podium – Expert class
18: 25 Podium – Hobby class
18:30 Podium – Amateur class
21:00 – 21:30 Briefing at Congress Hall at Hotel Zlatibor Mountain Resort & Spa
Thursday, 20. 06. 2024. - Day 1 ~100km Hard Enduro
Friday, 21. 06. 2024. - Day 2 ~100km Hard Enduro
Saturday, 22. 06. 2024. - Day 3 ~100km Hard Enduro
The organizer reserves the right to change the timetable if necessary.
XROSS HARD ENDURO RALLY is an OPEN race that can be attended by any rider, regardless of their nationality.
Director of the race: Vladan Komatović
Jury Members
Chairman: Velibor Kaevski
Member: Bata Djuric
Member: Rajko Ljumovic
Chief Registration and Administrative check: Dragana Lazarovski
Timekeepers: Timing Solution Macedonia
Chief Medical Officer - MRS: Vladimir Kacuric
Secretary of the Event: Vladimir Karcicki
Contact person for competitors: Vladimir Karcicki
These Rules were adopted by the Enduro Committee of the Serbian Moto Association. This competition is international, and it is ranked for the National Championship, and Balkan Moto Union (BMU), according to the general Rules of SMA and AMAS.
The Secretary Office of the competition is the starting point for all events related to the conduct and organization of this competition, such as competitors registration, technical sessions, briefings, standings display, filing of appeals, award ceremony, questions, etc.
An information panel will be placed in the area of the Secretary Office, and it will display information and news about the competition, daily standings, the schedule, and eventual modifications during the event. The Organizer will display all the necessary information in due time.
The Organizer may refuse to allow entry into the competition or eliminate during the competition any competitor who:
The registration fee and all other fees will not be refunded in case of failure to appear at the competition or in case of any kind of drop-out, abandonment, or elimination from the competition.
All competitors and all the people involved in any way in the organization of the 2024 XROSS HARD ENDURO RALLY are obliged to know and follow the contents of the present rules and regulations.
Not knowing the present rules and regulations does not excuse anybody from responsibility and consequences.
XROSS HARD ENDURO RALLY has four categories of difficulty:
XROSS HARD ENDURO RALLY is a rally discipline in which participants ride routes that are not competitive and become participants in public traffic during some parts of the rally. Due to this, participants are obliged to bear all obligations and responsibilities as all other participants in traffic, both in terms of riding and motorcycle characteristics. The Organizer will not be responsible for the participant's behavior in traffic or damages that may occur to a competitor or third parties. Through these rules and regulations, we believe that we have informed all participants that they are obliged to comply with all laws by the Republic of Serbia related to traffic on connecting sections that are not competitive.
Any enduro, motocross motorcycle with a minimum of 7 liters gas tank capacity, two or four-stroke engine type, with one or two cylinders which have been accepted by technical verification, is allowed to start.
Technical verification will be performed by a technical committee composed of officials before the formalities of registering for the competition.
The Organizer will not accept at the start any motorcycle with major technical failures or any other changes that could endanger the safety of competitors and/or spectators.
Motorcycles that have oil or fuel leaks or have damaged exhausts will not be accepted.
Motorcycles without enduro, motocross, or trial tires are not allowed to start.
It is forbidden to use tires with nails, screws, or any other metal insertions.
Any repairs, parts replacement, or technical intervention on the motorcycle are allowed only in the service area and only on a waterproof tarpaulin with a minimum size of 200x100cm.
At the technical verification, the competitors will show the motorcycle and the helmet.
During the competition, all competitors are required to wear appropriate protective equipment: off-road helmet, goggles, and boots, chest and back protectors, upper and lower limb protection parts.
All competitors are obliged to take all safety measures to prevent their own injury, injury of other competitors, vehicles, public and private property, staff members, spectators, and domestic and wild animals.
When approaching a slower competitor, the faster competitor must make his presence known before overtaking him. It is not the duty of the slower competitor to notice or to make maneuvers in order to allow the faster-approaching competitor to overtake.
In the area where the race tracks for different classes meet, the competitors from slower classes will give an advantage to competitors from stronger classes.
In case a competitor notices another injured competitor, he must make sure his safety is not in danger and then immediately inform the Safety Manager of the competition. If this is not possible, he will notify the nearest staff member. In case this is also not possible, by moving up the race track, he will notify about the incident at the nearest checkpoint.
The time spent assisting another injured competitor(s) will be deducted from the day racing time. This will be done by the Competition Manager after the notification made by the assisting competitor and confirmed by the injured victim and other witnesses.
In case of technical failure, the motorcycle will be immediately removed from the race track to avoid potential collisions with other competitors.
In case of technical failure and/or injury, the competitors must not leave the race track in order to make their localization by the Organizer possible. Leaving the racetrack is forbidden. The only way to leave the race track is through the checkpoints and then by following instructions given by the staff members.
Navigating the race track, for any length and for any reason, in the opposite direction than the normal race direction is strictly prohibited!
In case of extreme weather conditions (strong winds, lightning storms, fog, snow, or heavy rain), the Organizer reserves the right to change the race schedule and/or shorten the track on safety grounds. In very extreme cases, race days can get rescheduled or even canceled.
Competitors are required to place (stick) on their motorcycles all the promotional materials provided by the Organizer.
Xross Hard Enduro Rally is a discipline that has competitive sections and liaison (connecting) sections. On the liaison sections, all participants of the rally have to obey the law of the Republic of Serbia regarding public roads. On these liaison sections, the Organizer will not be responsible if riders do not have adequate motorcycles for public roads or in case of damage that may occur by the rider's responsibility or the responsibility of third parties.
On the portions of the public road between Parc Ferme and Start, between Finish and Parc Ferme, and on the eventual sections connecting the different stages of the race, competitors will ride in accordance with the Serbian laws regarding traveling on Serbian public roads. Responsibility on the Serbian public road sections lies entirely with the competitors.
Competitors are requested not to leave their equipment or personal belongings unattended, because the Organizer will not take the responsibility for them in case they are lost or damaged. Only the motorcycles in the Parc Ferme will be monitored and guarded.
Each competitor enters the competition at his/her own risk.
All civil or penal responsibility for any damage inflicted upon himself/herself, another competitor(s), or any goods lies exclusively with the competitor(s).
The regular fee for the Xross Hard Enduro Rally 2024 is 880 EUR.
It is possible to pay the fee in two installments, but the first installment has to be at least 300 EUR.
The maximum number of riders is 350.
After 01. 06. 2024.
The document attesting to the payment must include the name(s) of the competitor(s) for whom the payment is made. The payment date is considered the date of the document certifying the registration fee payment.
We advise you to fill in the necessary data with special attention. Any mistake during this process will result in returning the funds to the original sender, and your payment will be considered invalid.
After we confirm your payment, you will receive the starting number and be placed on the official starting list for the rally.
You can download payment details here.
XROSS HARD ENDURO RALLY is open to anyone who, at the time of registration, has paid the registration fee and has submitted the following documents:
Race numbers are given by the Organizer in the order of registration. Race numbers cannot be changed during the competition. It is forbidden to start the race without the race numbers provided by the Organizer, and attached to the motorcycle.
The competitors are not allowed to manufacture their own race numbers.
The race track totals an estimated at around 300km of off-road terrain and is structured as follows:
Each day, riders have a maximum time of 6 hours to complete the race.
Competitors who are still on the race track after the maximum allowed time is up will advance to the next checkpoint, where they will follow the instructions given by the Organizer.
Riders will have the right to ride all three days of the event regardless of the fact if they finished the previous day or not. However, they won't be on the list in the final placement.
The race tracks are marked using marking tape and special signs. Organizers will brief riders with clear instructions on which class will follow which marking tapes.
The points in which one category separates from other categories, race tracks will be marked using directional arrows, or they will be indicated by staff members.
The marking colors for each category and for the parts that are closed/wrong/forbidden will be announced at the briefing.
The GPS device is mandatory for all riders. We WARN the competitors that they will ride on a huge territory, and most of it is not covered with mobile phone signals and roads. That is why it is better that they possess a GPS for their own safety. The Organizer will not be responsible in case riders get lost, and they don't have GPS. The only valid route is the track that the Organizer has uploaded to the GPS device that riders brought to the race. If some marks are removed, and the rider goes off the track, he will be sanctioned like he had a GPS device. The Organizer is not responsible in case someone takes marking tapes or arrows or loses time because of bad markings, etc.
General considerations for all days of the competition:
Akrapovic Prologue
Day 1:
On Day 1, the competitors will start one after another, according to their results from Prologue, at an interval of 30 seconds ( the interval will be decided by the Organizer depending on the total number of competitors, and it will be announced at the morning briefing before the start). The best 3 (three) riders in each class choose the starting order. The first one to choose is the winner of the Prologue for each class.
Day 2:
Riders will start based on their result from Day 1.
Day 3:
Riders will start according to their placement and result achieved on Day 1 + Day 2. The competitor with the best combined time after the first two days will start first. Competitors will start one after another at an interval of 10, 20, or 30 seconds (the interval will be decided by the Organizer depending on the total number of competitors, and it will be announced at the morning briefing before the start). The riders who didn't finish the previous day will start after all riders who finished Day 2.
The checkpoints will be marked with the sign CP_X (where X is the number of the checkpoint) and will be established as a corridor made of marking tape with a length of 5m estimated. Riders are obliged to stop at these checkpoints.
GPS devices will have checkpoints where there will be no staff members from the organization of the race.
Riders are obliged to go through all these checkpoints.
Overtaking is strictly forbidden at checkpoints!
Riders must exit the checkpoint at a slow speed, using the existing corridor, immediately after being noted and confirmed by the checkpoint staff members.
During every day of the event, there will be parts of the track where the race will be stopped, and riders will have 20 minutes to rest and do repairs on their motorcycles. IMPORTANT: The riders must know that they will exit the service zone to punctuate individual time in order and intervals as they enter the service zone. Service zones will mostly be in populated places. Therefore riders will be obliged to follow the rules of public traffic. The riders who do not exit the service zone in the estimated time will get a penalty. The penalty will be equal to the amount of time that they exited earlier from the service zone or stayed longer in it.
Changing tires is not allowed in service zones.
In the service zones, service teams can work on the motorcycles of riders.
Example: If Rider 1 enters the service zone at 12 AM and Rider 2 at 12.06 AM, Rider 1 has to exit the Service zone at 12.20 AM, while Rider 2 has to exit at 12.26 AM.
The Organizer will assign special areas for refueling the petrol called TANK POINTS (marked TP on the track)
Refueling is allowed ONLY in these areas.
The petrol is provided by the Organizer, and it is included in the starting fee.
Refueling will be done only with the engine OFF.
The time spent refueling is not deducted from the total race time.
Smoking in the refueling area is forbidden, under penalty of elimination from the race!
The nearest petrol station is 50m from Parc Ferme.
The Organizer and all of its representatives (officials, staff members, referees, and track assistants) will wear specific outfits and markings/logos, which will be described to the competitors at the briefing so that they will be easily recognized.
On the race track, in the area of the Secretary Office, and in the Parc Ferme area, the competitors must strictly obey all indications given by the staff members.
The start and finish areas, the checkpoints, and the refueling points will be marked visibly and appropriately.
Arriving at the finish line of each day of racing is done by stopping in the marked space.
After receiving confirmation of the finish check from the Organizer, the competitors must leave the finish area.
Penalties are:
Penalties are established by the Competition Manager, at the proposition of the officials, after consulting the point of view of the involved competitor and eventual witnesses. The decision of the Competition Manager is final.
The Organizer will arrange a designated and guarded area where competitors can leave their competing motorcycles. Likewise, the Organizer will arrange a service area within the Parc Ferme, where all interventions on the motorcycles will be made.
Rules of the Parc Ferme:
Failure to comply with the Parc Ferme and service area rules may lead to penalties or even exclusion of the competitor(s) from the competition.
Mount Zlatibor is a tourist resort located inside a protected environmental area. The race track passes through the protected area. For these reasons, some specific rules are necessary:
Any appeals will be filed at the Secretary Office of the competition, in writing using the English or Serbian language, within a maximum of 15 minutes from the publishing of unofficial results.
The GPS device is mandatory for all riders. We WARN the competitors that they will ride a vast territory with no mobile phone signals and roads. Therefore, they should have a GPS due to their own safety. The Organizer will not be responsible if the rider gets lost due to lost markings on the track. In the case of poor visibility, the race director can make a decision to allow start only for riders with GPS devices. The route will be marked with ribbons and signs. The Organizer does not take responsibility if someone removes the markers from the track. Even in these cases, competitors who did not have a GPS device and left the track will be penalized. Competitors bring their own GPS device and submit it to the Organizer on the registration. The Organizer loads the route, and the device gives the competitor before the start of a race day. After the end of the day, the competitor is obliged to hand over the device to the Organizer at the finish of that day. The rider must mention in the Registration Form what kind of GPS device will bring on the race.
The Organizer has provided a tracker device for all riders, and through those trackers, the Organizer will be able to track your movement during the race. In case the rider loses or switch-off the tracker, he will be disqualified. Please note a tracker is a device that you can carry in your backpack, and it is not the same as a GPS device in which you can upload the track of the race.
As a general rule, the XROSS HARD ENDURO RALLY competition is based on the rule that the shortest time wins.
The first day of the event is Prologue, and it's Mandatory for all competitors. The rider who doesn't show up at the start of the Prologue will have a 12min penalty.
The riders start based on their registration - starting numbers. After the ride, the Organizer creates a ranking list based on the times the riders achieved on Prologue. In PRO and EXPERT classes, all riders who did not enter the first 16 will have a penalty of 7 minutes, which will be added to the time they achieve on Day 1 + Day 2 + Day 3.
Riders who assumed the top 16 positions in PRO and EXPERT, classes will ride the Akrapovic Prologue finals.
The first three riders in PRO and EXPERT classes on the Akrapovic Prologue will choose the starting position for Day 1 (they can choose one of the first three places). The rider with the best time will have the opportunity to choose first.
Place Time penalty
1 0min
2 1min
3 2min
4 3min
5 3min 30sec
6 4min
7 4min 30sec
8 5min 00sec
9 5min 15sec
10 5min 30sec
11 5min 45sec
12 6min 00sec
13 6min 15sec
14 6min 30sec
15 6min 45sec
16 7min 00sec
Time is calculated according to the formula:
Penalty on the Prologue + time Day 1 + time Day 2 + time Day 3 + time penalties (if any) = the overall time.
The competitor has successfully finished the day if they pass through all parts of the track, competitive and liaison. If a rider does not pass all liaison sections but rides all the competitive parts of the track, they will get a penalty. The Organizer holds the right to DNF that day of riding for the such rider.
If a rider does not finish the race on any day, they will get a time penalty for the unfinished part of the track. The track will have checkpoints (the real ones and the ones marked in GPS). Competitors have to go through all of them. Each checkpoint (CP) that a rider does not pass carries a certain penalty.
The competitor did not finish race day if he did not check all CPs that day or did not come to finish in the estimated time for that day.
The competitor has not have finished the day if he had checked all CPs on that day, but he rode significantly different from the given GPS route (the decision of the director of the race).
In case of extreme weather conditions (strong winds, lightning storms, fog, snow, or heavy rain), the Organizer reserves the right to change the race schedule and/or shorten the track on safety grounds. In such cases, the Organizer will consider the time a rider had when he passed the last CP marked as the end of the race. In very extreme cases, race days can get rescheduled or even canceled.
The time of the competitors who are late at any start will run according to their time on the starting list.
The Prologue consists of the polygon track. Only the top 16 riders in PRO and EXPERT classes will enter the Akrapovic Prologue finals.
Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3:
Penalties will be in the following cases:
A checkpoint is considered missing in the following situations:
Missing a checkpoint is sanctioned by a time penalty of 30-240 minutes (will be announced at the morning briefing before the start). Additional time penalties may be imposed for riders missing certain track sections – these penalties will be communicated at the briefing.
Competitors who are still on the race track after the maximum allowed time is up will advance to the next checkpoint, where they will follow the instructions given by the Organizer.
Disqualification of a competitor can occur in the following situations:
Prizes for all classes: 1st to 3rd place riders in all classes will receive prizes from the Organizer.
AMK Endurance Sports Club
Bajina Bašta – Serbia, 14. 10. 2024.